Since it’s International Women’s day I thought I’d talk about the 4 women who helped shape me into who I am today. The 4 women who hold the biggest spaces in my heart.

My oldest sister Andrea was the perfect older sister. She set the bar pretty high in everything she ever did/touched. My whole life I’ve strived to be just like her. She is 13 years older then me (I’m the youngest) and because of that gap she has always had a motherly impact on me. I’ve always wanted her to accept and be proud of me; just like my parents. When I found out I was pregnant not only was it hard telling my parents, but she was one of the only ones I couldn’t face and tell. Yet when my mom told her she came right over and just hugged me.
She was my first beauty idol! The way she did her makeup, her hair, and the way she dressed I always loved. When she went to cosmetology school she would bring her doll heads (so creepy) home and she would let me and my sister play with them/do their hair! It was the absolute best thing.
She’s also taught me how to be a mom. She has helped me so much. She had her first daughter when I was 10 years old. Ever since then I’ve been babysitting and learning all the ropes.
I may fight with her and I may have yelled some good stuff at her, but at the end of the day she is one person I know I can go to for anything. She is the best role model and friend and I got lucky to have her crazy, planning, loving self as a sister.

Desiree is my free spirit, over caring, over loving, spunky older sister. She is one of a kind, that’s for sure! Throughout high school I found myself ending up at her house watching lifetime movies (one of my favorite things to do now). She has grown to be my best friend. Growing up I was scared of the dark. I was so terrified of bugs and spiders and someone coming to take me that I never slept in my own bed! So, naturally I found the sister that would put up with my constant cuddles and constant beckon to tickle my back and stuck to her like glue. I slept in the same bed with dez until she moved out. Even when I had TWO rooms in my house (my actual room with all my toys and clothes, and the room that I could sometimes sleep in if I would see the door with my mirror).  As much as she says she hated it, she secretly loved it and loved me the most(;
Desiree has taught me too much to write. But the biggest thing (and her best quality) is how to over love everyone. It doesn’t matter what you do or what you say, she will love you no matter what and with her whole heart. She taught me to not care what everyone around you is thinking. If you feel good, that’s all that matters! If I’m having a bad day or just need to vent about stupid things (like people lying about their baby’s weight (lol)) I know I can call her and she will 100% agree with me and start venting with me. If I needed to hide a body, she’d be the one I called. Fo sho. (Not that I would ever ever ever ever kill someone or think about it)

This chick. Man she gets to me! She is my sibling/sister that’s right above me. She is the one that I actually grew up with. She has been through every little thing with me.
She knows how to push my buttons, yet the second I see her I just can’t help but smile.
While she may not be a mom, she is a hell of a person. She puts up this tough girl front. The kind that reads total B. But she is secretly a softy.
She has taught me how to laugh uncontrollably with out a care. That even when you have such a funny laugh, or when there are people around, and your nose is shaking, to still laugh out loud. And that is one of THE BEST lessons possible.
She recently moved 7,618 miles away from me and I wasn’t happy about it. I can’t just go see her anytime I want now. I honestly bawled the entire weekend that I spent with her before she left. But I hid my crying because she taught me to be strong. She taught me that when life is literally kicking you into a huge hole and trying to bury you, to keep moving up and keep climbing.
She FINALLY called me the other day and it made my entire day. I love seeing her face and just hearing her voice. It gives me a sense of peace. If she decides to stay in Australia I don’t know how I’m going to cope! I already miss her so much. I already need one of her hugs where she runs and jumps on top of me. (literally crying as I write about her living so far away)

My biggest supporter, my biggest fan, my number 1! If I had to choose one person to be like it would be her. She went through a major life change, which included everyone looking down on her. while she struggled at points, she always came out on top. She held her head high and pushed on. She did what was best for her and her kids, and she didn’t ask for opinions. I am so proud of how she has handled everything and how she continues to handle things. 
Then, when i went through a huge trial and everyone was looking down on me, she taught me to do what she did. She taught me how to get through the rough times. She taught me how to be strong. She taught me that its okay to cry. And when I would cry, she was right there with a shoulder and tissues.
When I used to have bad days, she would come pick me up in her car and just drive. We would pick a direction and just go. We had no clue where we were going, but we went. She drove until I was okay.
She taught me how to be the best mom i could be. Everything I know has been learned from her. Still to this day (no joke I called her today) I call her and ask her questions about my children and how to mom.
She taught me how to make the 6 meals that I cook. (She tried to teach me more buuuuuuuut I hate cooking)
My mother is amazing, strong, loving, and beautiful. She has helped me through every obstacle in my life. She reminds me daily to never give up. She has the biggest heart and loves her kids and her grandkids with everything she has. (But loves me the most of cooouurrssee). It takes a strong woman to put up with my attitude but she handles me with ease. I would never trade her for anything. Even all the (crispy) bacon in the entire world. She is momma, and my BFF.

I got lucky. to have these and so many more amazing women in my life. I could not have gotten through this life to this point without them. And I know I won’t be able to get much farther if I didn’t have them.
Now If this Blog post seems like I'm just rambling, It’s because its 11:00 PM and I haven’t slept in about 3 days (Thanks to my cute little Tagey boy).

I love my family, and I love these amazing role models I call sisters/mom/ BFFS. It truly is amazing how the older you get, the more you realize how amazing your sisters and mom are.

Sincerely, me.


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