Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge: WEEK FIVE

Here we go. One week left to get this whole mess put together and looking like a bathroom. To say I’m nervous about getting done on time is an understatement. I’m hopeful that we will make it but you know, anxiety likes to tell me how far off we are and how much left we have to do. 

Guess what we did this weeeeeeeeeek!!! TILE! Finally. It’s taken us until week 5/almost week 6 to get to this point and get the tile laid. But we are here. And we got it done. By we I mean Jordan. Jordan really has carried this whole renovation through and done most of it. As much as I wanted to get in there I’ve had some situations come up that have limited what I could do. I love DIY and totally renovating a space. My husband not so much. So for him to step in and take my project and get things done for me, is amazing!

For tile we chose to do two different ways. I was dying to test out a product I’ve seen another DIYer use, and put it to the test. Everyone I talked to was so skeptical and told me not to and gave me the concerned look when I tried to explain what the product was. But I was confident and there was no changing my mind! 

Way #1:
We started with the walls. I read so many articles online that said it didn’t really matter if you started with the walls or the floors. So we decided on the walls. Instead of using thinset like normal, I had come across this product called Mussle Bound on Lindsay Deans Instagram. She used it in her laundry room for her tile there and it looked amazing. So I knew I had to try it! It’s basically like a double-sided sticker on steroids (lol). You stick it to the wall, and then you peel the top sheet off and you can stick your tile to it. This stuff is no joke and is STICKYYY. Once you touch it, it stuck. So we had to be extremely careful about where we were placing our tiles. You can take a tile off if you’ve miss-placed, but you basically have to pry it off and sometimes that can damage the sticker. (Which we would then place more on top.) It really is amazing stuff. Once you got your tile in the correct place you push it for 5 seconds, which locks it in! Keep going and cutting your tile as normal until done! 

In case you were wondering, what took us absolutely FOREVER, were those freaking shower shelves/inserts. Tiling those and prepping those is what took us the most amount of time. But they are worth it and add such detail to the room and tie into other big items that will be coming soon (; 

Here is a link to the TILE we used for our shelves!

Way #2: 
Next up was flooring. That went a lot quicker. The tile I chose for the floor was easier to work with and cut. For the floor installation we used normal thinset! You spread out the thinset, use a trowel to crest lines/rows (kinda like gardening?) and then you place and push your tile into the thinset. After you’ve laid the tile, you take a sponge and moisten it. (Damp sponge, not soaking sponge) This helps wipe down the tile and take away any thinset you might have gotten on top of your tile! After that you let it sit for 24 hours. No walking on it at all until it is all dried! Again, floor tile went fast and was way easier. Not sure if it was because we had WAY less floor space then wall, or the different tiles, or the installation process. We won’t know until we tackle another tile project and use thinset on the walls I guess! 

For BOTH applications, after you’ve laid the tile, (thinset/floor you have to wait 24 hours... Mussel Bound you don’t) you grout over the top! We took so long to get the tile done that we will start grout tomorrow! Grouting requires you to let it sit for 48-72 hours after install... so that will take up so much of our time! But we are ready for it.

Here we go!! Final stretch. Pray for our sanity and pray we get this thing done! And pray that doing this hasn’t ruined Jordan and he will still help me with all my projects lololol. So excited to get this thing done and have a bathroom again. And to SHOWER again! I’m over all the baths. I’m excited to have a toilet on our level and not have to go downstairs to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. It’s been a rough 6 weeks. But the bathroom we are getting from these 6 weeks is amazing. A dream bathroom. I love it so much already and am ready to use it!

 You can click here to go to Jeffrey Courts website where you can read all about the renovation challenge and see what the other designers are up to!

PLUS: It's time to VOTE! I'd love it if you would hop on over and vote for me. You can only vote once a week and we need all the votes we can get.

Since we are also partnered up with, Here are the links to helpful things to know about you home!

Click here for a link all about checking yours homes worth!
Click here for a link all about selling your home!

You can also follow along on MY instagram!


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